Here's some photos of the unit in operation. These were
taken at the opening of the show - 02.02.02 - by a lovely man called
Christopher Brown.

You can see just see the machine towards the right of this picture.

Here's a player trying to forget everyone in the bar is looking right at

This photo features me, Jehann and our son Ben. I'm wearing a white
shirt in the bottom right of the screen, Ben's the blurry baby in
the center of the picture, and Jehann is the blurry lady holding the
blurry baby.

Here's the machine looking normal...

The person at the bottom right of the picture is me. I don't know who
the big, scary man is.

And this... is me. Again.

This is a picture taken inside the machine, from the back, of the camera
looking out.

And here's another view of the camera. It's mounted on a piece of metal,
made for me by Mr Paul Granjon of Z labs.
note also the starry background, and the fluorescent ultra-violet tube
that helps to create that outer space feeling.